Corbotras lochi Blog

10 Trail Camera Tips for Success
With only a few months away from open day and animals beginning to grow their antlers, it’s time to start thinking about setting trail cameras. Trail cameras are an extremely effective tool for learning about our targeted animals’ behavior when we’re not able to be in the field. It helps us learn what animals are in the area as well as their patterns and behaviors. So, before you unleash your fleet of cameras, take a look at our ten quick tips to help bring your trail camera game to the next level this year.
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Prepping for Turkey Season
Springtime is almost here! With the snow starting to melt and the daylight hours growing, our spring fever is at its peak. We have an intense urge to spend more time outside and rekindle the hunting lifestyle we packed away months ago for the winter ahead. Fortunately for us hunters, most states provide spring turkey hunting opportunities for anyone craving the chase of these elusive birds. In preparation for the season, we’ve highlighted some key areas of the turkey hunt that you can attend to before the hunt begins. 
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