Kings Camo - King's Camo Blog 2023-05-04T13:51:16-06:00 Kings Camo 2023-05-04T13:51:16-06:00 2023-05-04T16:33:52-06:00 Bowhunting Hill Country Gobblers Andrew Pooch It was a cool morning in Western Nebraska as we loaded up the truck with gear and finished our tailgate breakfast burritos. This was my dad's first turkey hunt and we were determined to get on an illusive Merriam turkey. The rugged public land hills of western Nebraska is prime habitat for turkey. There is a mixture of open bottoms, green vegetation rolling topography and thick pine tree ridges to roost in.

Catching up to a mature tom with a bow in this country can be a tall ask but with a little wit and determination it can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating turkey hunts to pursue.

We set out on foot down an old two track listening for birds and letting out a location owl call every now and then. I was studying the topography maps on my phone and looking for any possible roost locations that lead out into an open bottom where birds may want to stretch and strut to put on a show for the hens. As daylight broke we heard a faint gobble off in the distance. We took off quickly in the general direction looking to close the gap before the gobbler flew from his roost. Once we closed to within a few hundred yards I belly crawled the decoys out on the edge of the open grassy bottom and returned to the hill side to set up and call.

The Tom hammered off from the limb and the hens began to call the morning sun into existence. They pitched down into the grassy bottom and began to work their way out and around the pine tree ridge line they had roosted in. I called softly and the Tom responded… but seemed to have no interest in my efforts. After all the tom had live hens with him that he was already tending to. After a few hours the birds went on their pre-determined path and out of our lives. “He won this one” I thought as I packed up the decoys. 

After that morning hunt I began to game plan where I can place ourselves in the route of where these birds naturally want to go. I studied the maps during lunch and dropped pins on various locations that looked like possible travel corridors or strut zones within the cut up hill country. After a hearty venison pasta meal we loaded up and drove to the first location I had marked.



As we parked the truck and began to get our things together I surveyed the country below with my binoculars. Off in the distance I caught the glimpse of 2 Toms with 8-10 hens about to slip behind a large pine tree canyon and out of sight. I told dad we need to move quickly and cut them off. We took off running towards the opposite ridge line in order to slip into position before the birds got around the finger. As we got closer our best option was to split up and cover the country from both angles. Dad went right, I went left.

We crept slowly over the ridge and through the timber glassing and watching the bottom below. Each step was soft and calculated. I moved this way for about 100 yards down the face of the ridge line looking for any movement. Then I caught a glimpse of movement. The birds had worked around the finger and were now directly below. I slowly pulled up my range finder and confirmed the yardage.

42…42…42. I hooked my release on the string, drew my bow and anchored, THWACK! I put my arrow directly through the vitals of the biggest tom in the group! “DAD!” I shouted. “I Smoked him!!” I heard my dad reply, “Good Job!” a few hundred yards away. I walked down to the bird and soaked in the moment as my dad walked over to me. What a fun hunt! Hill Country turkey hunting is one of the toughest and most exhilarating turkey hunts of them all. And to have my dad along with me on his first turkey hunting experience was the icing on the cake.


Some Takeaways

  • Study your maps intently when Bowhunting Hill Country Gobblers, these birds can be hard to find in the broken up Look for possible strut zones, travel locations, feeding areas, roosting trees, etc. 
  • Use your optics. Glassing can be very effective in this, especially when dealing with call shy birds on public land. Sometimes a spot and stalk approach or setting up in a route back to roost is just what you need to get in close, but you have to find them first. 
  • Split up. This is BIG country and the opportunity to get within bow range can be difficult. The more ground you can cover the better your odds.
  • Use an effective camouflage for the turkey have incredible eyesight and can pick you apart from a mile away. You want to break up the human outline as much as possible. Here are my favorite camouflage pieces for this specific hunt.

The King's gear I use in my turkey kit:

]]> 2022-11-08T14:39:22-07:00 2024-02-20T13:22:35-07:00 “GOOD MORNING” - A STRATEGY FOR KILLING BIG BUCKS ON THEIR WAY BACK TO BED. Martin Fox THE STORY

 (Gear list at the bottom)

On the evening of September 29, 2022, I headed to a spot along a standing corn field just off of a thick bedding area I knew several bucks had been using.  I approached my set up cautiously, noting the large scrapes just off the field edge in front of me.  the Evening comes and goes with a few does passing by but none of the mature deer I was after.  Light fades and I start to pack up my things when I hear the rustle of leaves to my left in the bedding.  The sound comes closer and closer and just off the edge of the cedars 25 yards away steps out a big bodied silhouette.  I freeze in motion and watch as the dark figure moves closer and closer…. “That’s him…” I whispered to myself.  The buck is now just 10 yards away making a scrape in front of me.  I can see the outline of his tall antlers in the faded light as he lays his head back to lick the branch above.  it is just minutes past legal light so all I can do is watch and listen.  He finished working the scrape and moved off into the tree line and eventually the field behind me where I had my E-bike laying just off to the east of the field edge.  I called my brother and asked him to pick me up at the next 1/4 mile to the south as I finished gathering my things to climb down.  I knew I couldn't go back to my E-bike for fear of jumping that buck.  I had the plan to kill him already brewing in my head…. I know where he beds now.  I hiked back out to the south and met my brother on the gravel road.  I jumped in his truck and told him “I am going to kill that buck tomorrow morning coming back to bed”.


 Once I got home, I instantly went to my OnX maps and started looking at every possible route the buck might use coming back to bed based on wind, topography, known scrapes in the area as well as the path he took out to the field that evening.  It wasn't a guarantee the buck would use the same bed the following morning, but it was worth a shot!  I picked my spot on the maps finished up some work and headed to bed. (September 30, 2022) The following morning I beat my Alarm waking up… I couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to happen.  I packed up my gear and headed out. The spot on the maps that I had picked out was just 50 yards off where I thought the bucks' bed may be.  I arrived at the property an hour earlier than usual allowing myself time to set up and make sure I would be in my tree well before the buck was going to come back to bed.

 I approached the new set up by walking through a narrow fence row and looping wide through the timber directly in to the bedding area. I skirted just 50 yards off to the North East of his assumed bed found my tree and got set up.  Daylight broke and the woods came alive.  Squirrels and birds making so much noise it was hard to focus on where I thought the buck would approach from!  Eventually around 8:00am I see tines coming through the thick undergrowth vegetation… It’s him.  He was slowly approaching his bed and about to step into my only shooting lane.  I drew back, judged him at 25 yards, buried my pin.… “Meh”….. THWACK! I had dealt him an 11-ring, top of the heart and double-lung shot.  The buck crashes off just inside the cedar thicket and I hear the commotion come to a stop.  Check mate.

 The blood trail was walkable and short.  I approached my buck and realized he had died just feet away from a large bed with some rubs around it.  The plan worked to perfection… It doesn't always go that way, but I have found that when you have a gut feeling and intuition that you know where a buck is bedding… I mean be able to drop a pin on that bed, you have a very good chance of killing him.  Let me break it down for you.


 Over the years I have been fortune enough to spend quite a bit of time in the whitetail woods.  Here are some observations:

1 - Mature bucks like to bed in areas where they have easy access to the things like food, water and have certain “leg up” factors on their predators such as topographical advantage and wind advantage.

 2 - Deer are typically “edge” animals. They like to follow edges of fields, and break ups in vegetation which may create an edge such as, thickets of undergrowth to a hardwood transition… Cedar thicket to open CRP fields etc.

 3 - Mature bucks will ALMOST ALWAYS bed with the wind blowing over their back and keep an eye out in front of them.  They can smell/hear danger approaching from behind, and they can see/hear danger approaching from the front.

 With knowing these tendencies, you begin to plug and play into the strategy behind getting a mature buck on the ground.




  • With having heard the buck rustling around in the thick cover the evening before and eventually stepping out on the field edge to work a scrape… That immediately solidified to me that the buck was not bedding far off that field edge. Mature bucks often hold to a pattern of not leaving their beds until after dark (even more so in the early season such as September).  This tells me that the buck hadn't traveled far from his bed to reach the field edge, as it was a few minutes past shooting light, and the buck was now on his feet.
  • This prompted me to leave the area in a fashion that would not spook the buck (i.e.: having my brother pick me up at the next 1/4 mile in the opposite direction the buck was headed)
  • I studied the Topographical lay of the land and found that just 80 yards inside the timber there was a hard transition from thick cedars to a thick overgrowth of messy hardwoods and briars halfway up a ridge line.
  • knowing that I had a SSE wind, I figured the buck was bedding halfway up that ridge line just inside the cedars. This would allow him to have a topographical advantage to see into the hardwoods below, as well as catch a wind coming over his back with the SSE direction it was blowing BOTH that evening and the next morning.
  • I accessed the property from the South and looped wide through the timber as to not have my wind go to the field I figured he would be feeding in all night. I also accessed EARLY to make sure I wasn't setting up too close to the time the buck would start his transition back to bed.
  • I picked out my set up on the maps which placed me within 50 yards of where I thought (and now know) the buck was bedding.  I placed myself just North and East of the bed and just far enough off the transition of vegetation (hard edge, remember whitetail are edge animals) that it gave me a wind that was ALMOST wrong but just right… This gave the buck a false sense of advantage coming back to bed.
  • The buck came back to bed in the morning EXACTLY how I thought he would, nose into the wind, following the edge of vegetation, right through my shooting lane.


Final Thoughts

Whitetail hunting is often a game of chess.  They have strategies to stay alive and have the advantage on predators in most situations.  We have the advantage of complex thought process and intuition based off of historical truths and or commonalities of a given subject.

The more you study whitetail, the more you can put certain strategies in play.  they don't always come together, but every now and then, a dog gets a bone.



King's Gear List

These are my "go to" items when it comes to comfort, durability and performance. No matter which hunt I am on, these pieces of gear listed here will be with me!

XKG Foundation 260 Merino 1/4 top

XKG Elevation 1/4 zip tee

XKG Foundation 260 Zip Off Merino Bottom

XKG Ridge Pants




]]> 2022-09-02T14:33:41-06:00 2024-02-20T13:21:11-07:00 September Archery Elk Gear List from That's Bowhunting Martin Fox Hunting elk with a bow in September is one of our favorite styles of hunting. There is nothing quite like the excitement of climbing to a ridge, waiting for first light with the anticipation of hearing that first bugle. We've been fortunate to have many mornings just like that and have spent many days in the elk woods over the years learning by trial and error. Through those experiences, we've developed our do's and don'ts of elk hunting, and also the importance of good gear - specifically what to wear and when to wear it. Elk hunting is hard. It can become mentally and physically taxing. Good functional equipment can be the difference between success and failure because the better the gear, the more comfortable you can be which helps you stay in the elk woods longer.

September is our favorite time of year not just because its hunting season but because it’s the beginning of fall, but the weather begins to change and the leaves on the trees begin to turn. Crisp mornings with frost can be met with hot afternoons. With fall, comes the swings of hot and cold, rain or shine, sometimes even snow. So when we're hunting, we like to always be prepared for every weather change fall can bring. In this gear list we go over our favorite things to have with us, either in our packs or on our backs that help us be successful. Elk hunting typically has cold mornings with a big pulls up the mountain so layering is super important. Let's take a look at our favorite layering system. 

That's Bowhunting Corbotras lochi Gear List

XKG Foundation 260 Merino 1/4 Zip 

Our go-to base layer top. It is great at wicking the sweat and reduces odors. We've gone 4-5 days without a wash and it still performs great. The touch of merino on your skin is extremely comfortable even when wet. 

 XKG Covert Hoodie 

This piece might be our favorite top layer. The XKG Covert Hoodie is durable, quiet, and warm. Typically in most afternoons this hoodie keeps us comfortable while chasing elk and we do not need a coat. We also love the hood and the mask combination this piece provides. 

XKG Down Transition Jacket 

The XKG Down Transition Jacket keeps us warm no matter the circumstances. Cold mornings we start with this on and will take it off as body temperature rises.  No matter the time of year I always have this in my pack its worth its weight in gold.  

XKG Preacher Pant 2.0 

The XKG Preacher Pant is our preferred pant for any hunt, but it's the perfect elk hunting pant. It can keep you warm in cold temps, but also works in hot temps with a zipper ventilation on each leg to allow air flow. The knee pads are extremely convenient and it’s a super tough pant that does not easily tear. JC, with our crew, is going on 3 seasons in this pant and they are still going strong!  


XKG Sonora Pant 

This is a great lightweight pant but does not give up the integrity of of being a tough durable pant. When there are above average temperatures in early September, this pant will keep you comfortable.

XKG Leg Gaiter 

We love the XKG Leg Gaiters - not only is it good for keeping you dry on those wet dew mornings, but with a good boot and good gaiter you can plan on having dry feet and legs in most conditions. 

 XKG Lightweight Gloves 

These are so light that we typically wear them all day. They help keep your hands warm while holding that cold bow in the mornings, but also doesn’t get too hot when the sun comes out. 


XKG Windstorm Rain Jacket & Pant 

We never leave home without the XKG Windstorm Rain Gear, nothing can ruin a hunt faster then getting wet and cold and this rain gear will keep you dry. On really cold days we put this on as our outer layer to help trap heat in as well. 

Do you have a favorite King's piece for Elk season? Let us know in the comments?

]]> 2022-08-04T15:00:53-06:00 2024-05-07T11:55:00-06:00 Early Season Archery Mule Deer Gear List Martin Fox martin-fox-early-season-archery-mule-deer-gear-list-kings-camo
This type of hunting requires specific technical gear. There can be giant temperature swings, unpredictable monsoonal weather, hours behind glass, and hikes that generate large amounts of sweat. The gear required is versatile and high-performing given the variety of conditions you'll encounter. You need gear that can keep you warm, but also moisture wicking for sweat. You need gear to withstand multiple days of abuse without needing a washing machine. You need gear to keep you dry, but highly breathable. You need gear you can trust, period. 
My early season archery mule deer gear list will help guide your decisions when planning your hunt. Hopefully my trial-and-error experience will be useful as you plan and execute your next adventure. Below are my go-to pieces of gear and their applications during early season hunting. 

Base Layers 


XKG Merino 260 Zip Off Bottom - Some may wonder if 260 merino blend is too warm for early season bowhunting, and the answer is, no. I love this piece of gear because of the convenience of the zip off construction. You can take these bottoms on and off without ditching your boots making you quick and mobile.

    XKG Elevation Short Sleeve - Believe it or not, I use this piece more when colder weather is present on a hunt. I use it to keep scent and sweat off my outer layer hoodies and jackets.

    *NEW in 2022* XKG Elevation Hoodie - This piece will be a staple in my gear bag for years to come. The ultimate base layer for sun protection, moisture wicking, scent control and breathability. Hours glassing in the sun can be draining, this piece will save you from that.

    XKG Merino 150 ¼ Zip - Merino can be a great piece for scent control. If I know it will be a strenuous hunt with sweating, this piece will be in my gear bag. New this year is XK7 in merino!


    XKG Ridge Pant - This pant is extremely versatile. It’s the perfect pant for early season hunts without the need for a base layer bottom. The 4-way stretch, no snag fabric is forgiving with awkward movements when stalking a buck. If temperatures drop, pair this pant with the XKG Merino 150 or 260 bottom and you can hunt comfortably. (Field tip - although not aesthetically pleasing, use the front zipper to dump heat when hiking, it really works!)

    XKG Sonora Pant - If camo isn’t a must, this pant is extremely comfortable for early season hunting - it's the lightest XKG pant we offer at just 11 ounces. With straight leg tapered design, it allows you to move comfortably from one ridge to the next.

    XKG Transition Down Pant - I know this is an early season gear list, but sometimes during cool mornings when the wind is blowing, its nice to pack a “heat blanket”. That’s the kind of comfort you get form these pants.

    Hoodies & Jackets


    XKG Covert Hoodie - This hoodie is extremely quiet, making it great for bowhunting. It is also warm which is perfect for cool mornings and evenings in the high country. I wear this almost anytime I need an extra layer. 

      XKG Pinnacle Jacket - This jacket is slightly warmer than the XKG Covert Hoodie, but is also a full zip fleece which can be convenient. It is also extremely quiet. I believe the Covert and Pinnacle can be interchangeable depending on which features you prefer. I will usually pack both in my gear bag.

      XKG Transition Flex Jacket - This is my favorite piece in the XKG Line. It has a quiet outer shell. Enough insulation to keep you warm if there are unforeseen drops in temperature. It is also a great wind blocker. I love the sleek hood design and pocket configuration.

      XKG Transition Down Jacket - When weight is a factor, I will swap the Transition Flex out and take this jacket. It has amazing warmth to weight ratio. It’s a great wind blocker. Because it stuffs into its pocket, it is very packable. Pair the jacket with the pant and it is great sleeping insulation for added warmth.



      XKG Beanie - I love having a beanie in my pack for glassing mornings and evenings, especially if its windy. The high pile fleece in this beanie makes it the most comfortable beanie you’ll ever own. (Field tip - these beanies do run a little big so make sure you pick size accordingly)
        XKG Lightweight Gloves - These lightweight gloves are just enough to keep your hands warm. They work great for sunny days to keep your hands out of the sun when glassing or hiking with trekking poles.
          King’s Game Bags - These bags are come in a regular size which is perfect for deer. They can also be reusable if you take care of them and wash after use.

          XKG Insulated Gloves - Keeping my hands warm (especially when glassing) is a important. These gloves are incredibly lightweight at 4.7 ounces, packable, and waterproof. I love having this glove in my pack if I know the temperatures will be cooler in the mornings and evenings.

          XKG Windstorm Rain Gear - I try and have the jacket with me all the time. You never know when afternoon thunderstorms will roll in. It also doubles as a great windbreaker.
   2022-02-03T10:17:30-07:00 2022-02-03T10:19:42-07:00 Winners Announced: $4,000 Holiday Gear Giveaway Andrew Pooch 4 Amazing Prize Packages - 4 Lucky Winners!

            Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Prime, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this year!

            Prize #1:
            Prime Nexus Bow

            Winner: Chad G. from Lehi, UT

            Prize #2:
            Camp Chef Package

            Winner: Chuck D. from Winters, CA

            Prize #3:
            7-Piece XKG Package

            Winner: Matthew W. from Concord, NH

            Prize #4:
            Vortex Spotting Scope

            Winner: Justin H. from Crossville, TN

   2021-09-08T12:46:03-06:00 2021-09-08T12:46:03-06:00 Winners Announced: $4,000 Fall Gear Giveaway Andrew Pooch 4 Amazing Prize Packages - 4 Lucky Winners!

            Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Prime, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!

            Prize #1:
            Prime Nexus Bow

            Winner: John H. from Stockton, UT

            Prize #2:
            Camp Chef Package

            Winner: Tyson W. from Eagle Mountain, UT

            Prize #3:
            7-Piece XKG Package

            Winner: Wyatt R.

            Prize #4:
            XKG Camping Package

            Winner: Robert H. from Salem, NH


   2021-02-22T13:40:51-07:00 2024-06-13T12:37:17-06:00 Whitetail Fit's Idaho Elk Hunt Andrew Pooch

            DIY Idaho Archery Elk Hunt 

            Last fall, Joel Burham of Whitetail Fit set out to hunt elk with an over-the-counter archery tag in Idaho. With help calling and filming from his friends Lydia and Wes, he was able to close the deal on his first elk.

            In this 4-part series, Joel takes us on his public land backpack hunt filled with bugling bulls and close encounters.

            Scroll down to see every video in the 4-part series - each with it's own exciting encounter. Follow Joel on his YouTube page and if you're looking to buy any Whitetail Fit gear visit Joel's website to support more hunting trips and content like this.

            4-Part DIY Idaho Elk Hunt

            EP. 1 | Big Public Land Bull SCREAMS In Our Face

            EP. 2 | Stalking the Bull of My Dreams

            EP. 3 | Face to Face with a Big Black Bear

            EP. 4 | Tagged Out in Idaho

            Get Your Whitetail Fit Gear

   2021-02-08T10:10:06-07:00 2021-02-08T10:10:07-07:00 Winners Announced: $4,000 Holiday Gear Giveaway Andrew Pooch Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!




            5 Amazing Prize Packages - 5 Lucky Winners!

            Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!

            Prize #1:
            Hoyt Axius Bow

            Winner: Colby R. from Oakdale, NE

            Prize #2:
            Vortex Razor Spotting Scope

            Winner: Clayton M. from Genesee, ID

            Prize #3:
            5-Piece XKG Package

            Winner: Ivan M from Maple Valley, WA

            Prize #4:
            XKG Camping Package

            Winner: Dustin P. from McAllister, MT

            Prize #5:
            Camp Chef Package

            Winner: Amanda C. from Portales, NM

   2020-11-09T17:33:43-07:00 2020-11-11T14:46:56-07:00 Full Whitetail System Breakdown from Joel Burham of WhitetailFit Andrew Pooch Joel spends parts of every month from August through December in the field chasing bucks. Those temperature swings can test any hunter and their system, so Joel has put together a helpful breakdown of what he wears to help him succeed during each phase of the hunting season.


            Joel spends parts of every month from August through December in the field chasing bucks. Those temperature swings can test any hunter and their system, so Joel has put together a helpful breakdown of what he wears to help him succeed during each phase of the hunting season.

            Here is a full breakdown of his whitetail system:

            Temps 50+ Degrees
            XKG Ridge Pant
            XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip
            Grip6 Belt

            Temps 40-50 Degrees
            XKG Merino 260 Zip-Off Bottom
            XKG Thermolite Transition Jacket
            XKG Pinnacle Jacket

            Temps 20-40 Degrees
            XKG Lone Peak Jacket
            XKG Lone Peak Pant

            Temps Below 20 Degrees
            XKG Wind-Defender Anorak
            XKG Wind-Defender Bib Pant

            Lightweight Neck Gaiter
            XKG Mid-weight Gloves
            XKG Insulated Gloves

            Rain Gear
            XKG Windstorm Rain Jacket
            XKG Windstorm Rain Pant 

            See the entire collection here and watch the full gear breakdown in greater detail for each piece below. 


   2020-10-30T15:06:22-06:00 2020-10-30T15:06:45-06:00 Winners Announced: $4,000 Fall Gear Giveaway Andrew Pooch Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! This season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!



            5 Amazing Prize Packages - 5 Lucky Winners!

            Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! This season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!

            Prize #1:
            Hoyt Axius Bow

            Winner: Tanner H. from Erda, UT

            Prize #2:
            Vortex Razor Spotting Scope

            Winner: Greg T. from Mendon, UT

            Prize #3:
            5-Piece XKG Package

            Winner: Gary C. from Bonner, MT

            Prize #4:
            XKG Camping Package

            Winner: Chelsea C. from West Fargo, ND

            Prize #5:
            Camp Chef Package

            Winner: Chris V. from Flagstaff, AZ

   2020-06-29T14:59:00-06:00 2020-07-02T11:50:07-06:00 Building the XKG Summit 2P Tent Andrew Pooch After years of testing tents and modifying prototypes, we launched our first lightweight backpacking tent for the XKG Series this spring – the XKG Summit 2P Tent. The idea behind the Summit was to harness all the qualities of the XKG Series, including performance, affordability, and lightweight materials and engineer it into a tent.




            After years of testing tents and modifying prototypes, we launched our first lightweight backpacking tent for the XKG Series this spring – the XKG Summit 2P Tent. The idea behind the Summit was to harness all the qualities of the XKG Series, including performance, affordability, and lightweight materials and engineer it into a tent.

            We began our project by focusing on the best features in our favorite tents, while not hesitating to express our frustrations for improvements. Some tents were exceptionally lightweight, but couldn’t handle the challenges of tough conditions. The fabric would wear through on the tub walls, the guy lines would quickly wear from the wind, there was not enough space for two hunters, the list went on.

            Floor Space

            We started with a similar floor plan to many tents on the market that have a tapered design. This allows the campers/hunters to sleep shoulder to shoulder and the tent becomes narrower as it moves towards their feet. The upside to this design is that it cuts weight from the tent. The downside is that is takes away a lot of comfortable sleeping space and extra space to store your gear. It also does not give you much flexibility when it comes to how you would like to sleep – shoulder to shoulder or head to toe. Since this is primarily a hunting tent, we chose to make a roomy 86.6” x 55” rectangular floor plan which is 15-30% wider than other hunting tents on the market. It allows for versatile sleeping arrangements and comfort in the backcountry.

            True 2-Person Tent

            Many tents claim to be a 2-person tent, but there is no comfortable way to get two people in the tent. We addressed the floor space, but we also knew a frustration with weight shaving tents is the concession for 1 door. We did not want to inconvenience anyone by limiting to one door.

            Who would want to crawl over someone at night to go outside?

            We added two-way zippered doors to each side of the tent and each side has a vestibule. This makes for easy in and out and gives each hunter their own vestibule to store and protect their gear.


            By including a footprint with the tent, it allows the Summit to reach its minimum trail weight configuration at 2 lbs. 11 oz. This works with the footprint, poles, and rain-fly. Simply place each end of the poles in the footprint rings. This will stretch the footprint and give the poles the shape of the tent. Then, place the rain fly over the poles and snap each corner into the buckles of the footprint. This will give you protection from the ground as well as the sun or rain and keep your tent system under that desired 3-pound mark for ultralight backpacking.


            During our years of testing and development, we took the tent to the high country of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. We hunted in the heat of August to below freezing temps of October.

            Our final test came in the fall of 2019 when Justin Finch, Alex Millward, and I went on a backpack hunt in Idaho during the opening weekend of the rifle mule deer season. We rented two llamas from Backcountry Logistics to help carry our gear. We were going to an area without easily accessible water, so we had to pack it in. We knew we had to be selective on our gear. With each tent under 5 pounds, it wasn’t a huge burden to our llamas – who are capable of comfortably carrying seventy pounds each – to have sufficient water, tents, and extra gear.


            During the hunt, we slept in a drainage which had the only flat ground we could find at the higher elevation. We experienced a snowstorm our first night. So, there was snow on the ground and the conditions were cold the rest of our hunt. Alex and Justin slept in one tent and I was in the other. They were able to comfortably sleep shoulder to shoulder with large sleeping pads. Each of them had room in the tent for their boots and other small accessories, while their vestibules stored their packs and larger things, such as their guns. Since I was alone, I was able to keep everything in the tent with me. I had ample space every morning to make breakfast and coffee in the tent and warm up before I had to leave to start the days hunt. We were thrilled that these lightweight tents performed in the cold and provided enough space to sleep, even though the conditions were less than comfortable.


            Since our spring launch, some of our ambassadors jumped at the chance to test our tent. Joel Burham of Whitetail Fit took it on a Nebraska Turkey hunt and Matt Lee of Utah Sportsmen took it to Nevada for the shed hunting opener.

            Here’s what our ambassadors had to say:

            Joel Burham of @Whitetail_Fit – “I used this tent on a western Nebraska turkey hunt and I couldn't be happier with it! From set up to tear down, it has every feature you could want in an efficient, lightweight 2-person tent. Overall I was VERY pleased with this set up, and will be recommending it to all my hunting buddies.”

            Matt Lee of @UtahSportsmen – “I am impressed at the versatility of this tent. You can run just a footprint with the rain fly and trekking poles for an ultra-lightweight scouting tent or you can run the footprint with the main body single wall of the tent as a nice baby tent to get away from bugs if you are not suspecting any weather. If you're going on a backpack hunt, I'd recommend taking the entire system for protection against all elements. I will be running this tent exclusively most this year!”


            If you have any questions about the new XKG Summit 2P Tent, please leave them in the comments!

   2020-05-18T16:16:00-06:00 2020-06-15T15:07:54-06:00 10 Trail Camera Tips for Success Justin Finch With only a few months away from open day and animals beginning to grow their antlers, it’s time to start thinking about setting trail cameras. Trail cameras are an extremely effective tool for learning about our targeted animals’ behavior when we’re not able to be in the field. It helps us learn what animals are in the area as well as their patterns and behaviors. So, before you unleash your fleet of cameras, take a look at our ten quick tips to help bring your trail camera game to the next level this year.


            With only a few months away from open day and animals beginning to grow their antlers, it’s time to start thinking about setting trail cameras. Trail cameras are an extremely effective tool for learning about our targeted animals’ behavior when we’re not able to be in the field. It helps us learn what animals are in the area as well as their patterns and behaviors. So, before you unleash your fleet of cameras, take a look at our ten quick tips to help bring your trail camera game to the next level this year.

            1. Direction is Key
            If you can, refrain from setting your camera facing East or West. Unless you want a memory card full of pictures of nothing but the sun during prime hours, face your camera north or south and you’ll be much happier with the end result. I think we’ve all learned this lesson the hard way.

            Setting Trail Cameras2. Check to see if it works
            As big of a hurry you may be in, or as tired as you might think you are; ALWAYS make sure you take a test pictures of yourself walking by the camera to make sure that the camera is at the right height and distance and is working properly. Depending on the camera, some have a wider-angle lens than others, so you need to take a picture to make sure the subject fits great in the shot. You don’t want to be that person that hikes in to check his camera weeks later just to find out that the camera angle was off and all the photos are of animal legs. Trust us, it’s worth the extra effort to make sure everything is good to go before leaving.

            3. Name your camera
            This may sound obvious, but most cameras have the option to give your camera a name and it will print it on each picture’s timestamp. If you’re running more than one camera in the area, this is a must so when you pull the SD card a few weeks later, you won’t get confused and mixed up about which card came from which camera location when you have multiple SD cards you’re dealing with.

            4. Settings
            When configuring your camera settings, you need to think of how long you plan on leaving it there before checking it again. If the answer is a long time, then you’ll want to keep your image quality low, delay time longer than a minute and maybe only set it on 2 photo burst. Video is out of the question if you plan on leaving it very long. Recording video is great, but it drains your battery and takes up space on your memory card more than anything else. If you plan on checking your camera within a couple weeks, then you could keep your image quality to high, burst mode of 3, and a delay of only 30 seconds or less and you should be fine to record video. Through trail and error, burst mode of at least 2 photos has yielded the best results for us, which is why we highly recommend using burst mode. Without it, you may only catch the nose, or tail end of a big buck, whereas burst mode gives you multiple shots as the animal is walking by. Finally, please make sure the date and time is correct! One of the main reasons for a trail camera is to figure out what time the animals are coming through, so double check it.

            5. Checking your Cameras
            The easiest, and quickest way to check your cameras is by having an extra SD card. That way you can quickly just swap the current SD card with the new one. But if you’re like us, and want to save money on less SD cards, you can bring any regular picture camera that takes an SD card and you can insert your trail camera’s card to view the pictures. The only problem with this method is you won’t be able to save your pictures because you’ll hopefully have to clear your SD card because it’s almost full. So, we’d suggest getting a memory card reader that just plugs straight into your phone. Many companies sell them for cheap, and they work great. You’re able to save and download any pictures you like from the memory card directly to your phone.

            6. Attractant
            Depending on your states laws, using attractants can be a great way to get an idea of what’s in the area if you can’t seem to find a water source or natural passage that the animals use often. A “trophy rock” is probably the most popular, but a killer combo that has worked well for us is a mineral lick, with apple “Buck Jam” poured on the ground, as well as some “Deer Cocaine”. This combo works great for both elk and deer. Try a few different things to see what works best in your area.

            7. Strategy
            Try to have a game plan when placing your trail camera(s). If you’re in a new area that you’re not familiar with, start by placing your camera near a water hole or in highly trafficked areas, and use attractants if legal in your state. This will give you an idea of the animals in the area, and the overall age class. If you’re trying to pattern a specific buck or bull, then your strategy might be different. Rather than putting your camera in highly trafficked areas, or areas that you can glass him, put your cameras on the trails leading to all his possible bedding areas and escape routes. The goal here is to figure out his every move so you can be one step ahead of him come hunting season. Try to stay away from using attractants when “patterning” a buck or bull. You don’t want to put out any foreign scent that might make him change his natural patterns. Just be careful not to bump him when placing or checking a camera.

            Mule Deer on Trail Camera8. Analyzing
            Once you have your pictures or video it’s time to make a game plan. From all the data you have collected you should now know what’s in the area, what time, how frequent, and from what direction the animal is coming. Use this information to help keep yourself one step ahead.

            9. Etiquette
            With cameras getting stolen more frequently, letting people know simple trail camera etiquette can go a long way. Don’t do anything to someone else’s camera that you wouldn’t want others doing to yours. This may sound obvious, but some people forget that just because they find a camera in the mountains doesn’t mean it’s free to take.

            10. Have Fun
            The beauty about setting trail cameras is that they are your eyes on the mountain 24/7. There’s just something about hiking up to a trail camera that you haven’t checked in a couple weeks and looking through the pictures. You never know what you’ll find!

            If we missed any key tips about successful trail camera strategy, be sure to leave it in the comments!

   2020-03-12T08:55:00-06:00 2020-03-12T08:55:04-06:00 Iowa Deer Classic Recap Andrew Pooch We spent last weekend in the heart of Midwest whitetail country at the Iowa Deer Classic where we showcased some of our new whitetail pieces for this upcoming season. It was a great opportunity to introduce our brand and share our history of being one of the original western based camo apparel companies. For years, we've worked to create affordable, technical camo and now after partnering with Realtree, we've built whitetail specific with the same qualities in mind.


            We spent last weekend in the heart of Midwest whitetail country at the Iowa Deer Classic where we showcased our new whitetail pieces for this upcoming season. It was a great opportunity to introduce our brand and share our history of being one of the original western-based camo apparel companies. For years, we've worked to create affordable, technical camo and now after partnering with Realtree, we've built whitetail specific pieces with the same qualities in mind.

            Iowa Deer Classic | Corbotras lochi

            Our Product Designer, Eric Belter, chats with attendees about the XKG Wind-Defender Anorak

            The highlight of the show was the reception we received for our new XKG Wind-Defender Anorak & Bib/Pant. These two products are the staple for a whitetail hunter's system. Built with quiet, 4-way stretch, and burr-resistant poly fabric, these two pieces have the soft feel and qualities to reduce your noise and ease with your natural movements such as climbing to a tree stand or drawing a bow. They're water-resistant and windproof to keep you comfortable during nasty weather. And, the most popular feature is the high-pile fleece lining. Not only will it create loft between you and the garment to hold in heat, but this material is extremely soft and assists with easy on and off if you don't want to wear it to and from your stand. The finishing touches on these pieces have zippered side panels with pull tabs to dump heat and strategically placed pockets for your important accessories.

            These two pieces will be available for purchase this summer.

            Giveaway Winners

            Those in attendance had the exclusive opportunity to not only see and try on the XKG Wind-Defender Anorak & Bib Pant, but enter to win a prize package that included the set.

            The winners for the two prize packages are:

            Zach Davis of Walcott, Iowa

            Billy Pryor or Carroll, Iowa

            Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth. Our next and final show for 2020 is the ISE Show in Sandy, UT. That show is next week, March 19-22 at the Mountain America Expo Center.




   2020-02-27T09:31:00-07:00 2020-02-27T09:31:11-07:00 Iowa Deer Classic Andrew Pooch Next week, we are headed to Des Moines, IA for the 2020 Iowa Deer Classic. This great event is three days of whitetail madness! Attendees can see world-class trophy whitetails, hunting seminars, new outdoor and hunting gear, opportunities to test new archery equipment and much more.


            Corbotras lochi | Iowa Deer Classic

            Next week, we are headed to Des Moines, IA for the 2020 Iowa Deer Classic. This great event is three days of whitetail madness! Attendees can see world-class trophy whitetails, hunting seminars, new outdoor and hunting gear, opportunities to test new archery equipment and much more.

            This will be our first year attending the show and we’ll be showcasing a selection of our new gear that was just launched at the 2020 SHOT Show. You can enter to win exclusive giveaway packages for the new gear – only available to visitors of the show. Our products with Realtree EDGE will be available for purchase and our team is excited to help answer any questions. You can find us in the Rolling Bones Outfitters' booth.

            If you have any questions about the event, leave it in the comments or reach out to us via social media. See you at the show!

   2020-02-26T11:41:20-07:00 2020-02-26T11:41:26-07:00 Whitetail Fit's Rutcation Andrew Pooch Joel Burham of Whitetail Fit set out on a 16-day vacation during the heart of the whitetail rut. Hunting Nebraska and Missouri with his bow, Joel put together a semi-live video series of his hunt titled, "Rutcation."



            16 Days of Whitetail Rut

            Joel Burham of Whitetail Fit set out on a 16-day vacation during the heart of the whitetail rut. Hunting Nebraska and Missouri with his bow, Joel put together a semi-live video series of his hunt titled, "Rutcation."

            In this series, Joel shares valuable insight and techniques to get over-the-counter tags, use maps to your advantage for terrain and property boundaries, effective calling techniques, playing the wind, setting stands, and more!

            Scroll down to see every video in the Rutcation library. Follow Joel on his YouTube page and if you're looking to buy any Whitetail Fit gear visit Joel's website to support more hunting trips and content like this.


            "RUTCATION" Official Trailer

            RUTCATION EP. 1 | The BULLY BUCK is back!

            RUTCATION EP. 2 | These deer almost RAN INTO ME!

            RUTCATION EP. 3 | SO MANY RUBS! 

            RUTCATION EP. 4 | HANG and HUNT In a New Area!

            RUTCATION EP. 5 | HUGE BUCK at 20 YARDS!!


            RUTCATION EP. 7 | I'm Headed To MISSOURI!




            Get Your Whitetail Fit Gear

   2020-02-17T16:50:00-07:00 2020-02-18T08:39:36-07:00 WHCE Giveaway Winners Announced Andrew Pooch

            We had a great show at the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo in Salt Lake City last weekend. Thank you to all who attended and came by our booth. Our new gear generated a lot of great questions and buzz with visitors. Two lucky people who entered our giveaway will be the first ones to get some of that new gear. Here are the two winners from the WHCE Giveaway: 

            XKG Camping Package
            1 XKG Summit 2P Tent
            2 XKG Summit Sleeping Bags

            WInner: Tasha Peterson from Lehi, UT

            XKG Down Transition Package
            1 XKG Down Transition Jacket
            1 XKG Down Transition Pant

            Winner: Caleb Howe from West Bountiful, UT

            This giveaway was only available at the WHCE Expo. Stay tuned for more chances to win new gear. Don't miss the next one by joining our email list here.

   2020-02-12T16:55:00-07:00 2020-02-12T16:57:59-07:00 New Giveaway Only Available At WHCE Andrew Pooch

            The Western Hunting & Conservation Expo begins tomorrow in Salt Lake City, UT. If you're planning to attend, make sure you swing by our booth (#1834) and enter our exclusive WHCE giveaway. We're giving away two prize packages and you have two ways to enter. Every order with email is entered at checkout and if you aren't buying, find the iPad stand and enter - no purchase is necessary.

            The prize package include:

            XKG Camping Package
            1 XKG Summit 2P Tent
            2 XKG Summit Sleeping Bags

            XKG Down Transition Package
            1 XKG Down Transition Jacket
            1 XKG Down Transition Pant

            This giveaway is only available at the WHCE Expo - your chances are very good. See you there!

   2020-02-06T15:42:00-07:00 2020-02-06T16:50:33-07:00 2020 Western Hunting and Conservation Expo Andrew Pooch 2020 Western Hunting and Conservation Expo

            The 2020 Western Hunting and Conservation Expo begins next Thursday in Salt Lake City, UT. This amazing four-day event presented by Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife and the Mule Deer Foundation offers the opportunity for attendees to enter 200 different $5 drawings for some of the most coveted hunting tags in Utah. This event brings visitors from all over the world to enter for a chance to win. While there, visitors can see award winning taxidermy, attend seminars, participate in live auctions, enjoy dinners and concerts, and shop their favorite outdoor brands. The Expo was created in 2007 with the purpose of raising funds to enhance Utah's big game populations and habitat critical to its wildlife. We’re excited to be a part of it again!

            This year, we’ll be showcasing a selection of our new gear that was just launched at the 2020 SHOT Show. You can enter to win exclusive giveaway packages for the new gear –only available to visitors of the Expo. We’ll also have closeouts, holiday specials, and popular gear available for purchase. You can also chat with our gear experts and brand ambassadors. We are in our same booth space (#1834) as previous years.

            If you’re attending Thursday or Friday, plan to stop by our booth from 1-4 p.m and meet David Blanton of Realtree Outdoors. He’s going to be hanging out at the booth meeting his fans, taking photos and telling stories of his recent Utah bull.

            Make sure if you're planning to go, to get your tickets ahead of time by using promo code WHCE20-KINGS at checkout and save $10 on each ticket! If you have any questions about the event, leave it in the comments or reach out to us via social media. See you at the Expo!

            David Blanton Realtree Outdoors Corbotras lochi

   2020-01-30T15:10:00-07:00 2023-01-24T19:51:23-07:00 New Products Debut at 2020 SHOT Show Andrew Pooch Last week at SHOT Show in Las Vegas, we announced the introduction of our 2020 product line-up. The new offering is our commitment to delivering technical layering options for western big game and whitetail hunters for every phase of the season. By incorporating new fabrics, designs, and technologies with our stable of patterns and Realtree EDGE, these products will conceal and perform at a high level in any terrain in North America.


            Corbotras lochi New Product Shot Show 2020

            Last week at SHOT Show in Las Vegas, we announced the introduction of our 2020 product line-up. The new offering is our commitment to delivering technical layering options for western big game and whitetail hunters for every phase of the season. By incorporating new fabrics, designs, and technologies with our stable of patterns and Realtree EDGE, these products will conceal and perform at a high level in any terrain in North America.

            Our 2020 line was an amazing group effort - from our loyal customers and dealers, guides and outfitters, and everyone in between. We listened to your feedback on your biggest needs in the field. We wanted to bring new products to the line that add instant value to your system and perform at a high level while keeping you comfortable and in the field longer. Our new products will be ready for sale this summer. Below is a short description of each - stayed tuned for spotlights on each product with more photos and videos as we get closer to their arrival. Please leave us any questions in the comments!

            King's 2020 Product Collection

            • XKG Covert Hoodie – Designed with lightweight versatility in mind, the XKG Covert Hoodie is an athletic fitting half-zip second layer with durable and quiet fleece that allows it to function as an outer layer for crisp mornings, or an insulation layer when temps start to drop. Built with a kangaroo pocket, Polygiene, and built-in face mask, this piece is perfect for early to mid-season hunts.

            • XKG Pinnacle Jacket – A warm, technical, and full-zip mid-layer functional for every day of the season. Stretch fabric increases your comfort with a design facilitating full range of motion. Fitted hood provides comfort while strategically placed seams reduces friction points. Heavier fleece body and lighter arms allows for core warmth while also not limited mobility as the temps drop.

            • XKG Down Transition Jacket – Built with water-repellent treated and traceable goose down fill to keep the body warm and insulated. Easily packable at 13 oz. It's the warmest and most affordable cold weather insulation jacket available in the industry.

            • XKG Down Transition Pant – Packed with lightweight, compressible, and ultra-warm down insulation to lock heat. This pant is easily packable and quick to get on with 3/4 length legs zippers and elastic waist. Ideal for long sits in tree stands, glassing sessions, or comfort in camp.

            • XKG Wind-Defender Anorak – Exclusively in Realtree EDGE, this uncompromising soft-shell hybrid layer is made with a unique, innovative face fabric. The woven stretch polyester is bonded with a pile fleece backing to create a highly wind-resistant and moisture-wicking thermal jacket.

            • XKG Wind-Defender Bib Pant – Exclusively in Realtree EDGE and focused on a functional design for the modern whitetail hunter. Lightweight, windproof, stretch fleece, that is ultra quiet and burr resistant. Flexible sizing allows for proper layering as the season progresses and Polygiene treatment helps reduce detection from wary game.

            • XKG Preacher Pant 2.0 – The great features that made the first generation of this pant so successful, including removable knee pads, side vents, cargo pockets, stretch fabric, and water resistant treatment will still be incorporated in the pant's 2.0 design. However, the main improvement in the 2.0 is a new, lighter and quieter fabric.

            • Hunter Full-Zip Fleece Hoodie – Lightweight, affordable performance hoodie constructed with grid fleece, Polygiene technology, and a tapered fit for high activity. Quick-drying and highly breathable hoodie that is ready for any demanding hunt.

            • Weather Pro Insulated Bib – Built to bolster the late-season offering for Hunter Series. Windproof, waterproof, 120 grams insulation, and quiet Trico polyester outer fabric make this an impenetrable shield from harsh elements. A great combo when paired with the Weather Pro Insulated Jacket.

            • Classic Flannel Lined Pant – Durable 11-ounce cotton twill work pant with soft, flannel lining. A workhorse for traditional hunters who demand rugged performance from their gear.

            • Women’s XKG Ridge Pant – New design and now available in Realtree EDGE – This pant is built for performance, durability, and comfort to meet the demands of the serious female hunter. With 4-way stretch polyester, water resistant treatment, and superior breathability, this pant was redesigned for increased performance during every phase of the hunting season.

            • Women’s XKG Pinnacle Jacket – Technical, full-zip mid-layer functional for every day of the season. Stretch fabric increases comfort with design facilitating full range of motion. Built with a tapered design for women and a fitted hood to provide comfort while strategically placed seams reduces friction points.

            • Women’s Weather Pro Insulated Bib – Similar to the men's, the women's is built to bolster the late-season offering for our women's line. Windproof, waterproof, 120 grams insulation, and quiet Trico polyester outer fabric make this an impenetrable shield from harsh elements. A great combo when paired with the Women's Weather Pro Insulated Jacket.

            • XKG Summit 2P Tent –  After two years of testing, we're excited to introduce our first backpacking tent. At a lightweight 3 lbs. 11 oz. and a total packed weight of 4.7 lbs. with stakes, poles, vestibule, tent body, carry bag and included footprint - this 3 season tent comfortably fits 2 hunters.

            Don't miss our breakdown of each new product in the following weeks - sign up for our email and you'll be the first to know!


   2020-01-17T11:29:00-07:00 2023-02-03T14:26:49-07:00 King's Camo Holiday Gear Giveaway Winners! Andrew Pooch Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received almost 15,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring



            Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received almost 15,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!

            Prize #1:
            Hoyt Helix Bow

            Winner: Austin C. from Glendive, MT

            Prize #2:
            Vortex Viper 65 Angled Spotting Scope

            Winner: Mike P. from Baldwinsville, NY

            Prize #3:
            7-Piece XKG Package

            Winner: Jake N. from Eden Prairie, MN

            Prize #4:
            Camp Chef Stryker Isobutane MS100 & Rainer Camper Combo

            Winner: Nona S. from Montana

   2019-12-07T10:19:00-07:00 2020-01-17T11:29:23-07:00 2019 Hidden Instinct Coyote Tour Andrew Pooch


            100 COYOTES IN 30 DAYS

            Last year, Garrett Carr and Micah Fey of Hidden Instinct set out with a goal of 100 coyotes in 30 days. Hunting western states, living out of their truck, and crashing couches, they set stands in 5 states including Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado, and documented each day of their tour. 


            This year, they're goal again is 100 coyotes in 30, but this time, they're bringing along some new faces for the adventure. They will also be adding in gear and technique tips to help any coyote hunters learn from the pros. Follow along on their tour below where we will be posting each video as it airs. 


            Every video has the hunts of the day as well as a daily tip for every hunter to better their coyote game. Buy any Hidden Instinct gear and they give 10% back to Take 'Em Hunting Outdoors. Scroll the videos below to see how they did on their coyote tour.


            THE 2019 COYOTE TOUR

            Day 1: "Dusting off the Cobwebs"

            Day 2: "First Person Shooter"

            Day 3: "Lucky Dog, Lucky Hunter"

            Day 4: "Travel Day"

            Day 5: "We Broke The Curse!"

            Day 6: "The Struggle Continues"

            Day 7: "Not Enough Fuel In The Tank"

            Day 8: "Biggest Badger Ever"

            Day 9: "Quick Morning Double"

            Day 10: "Multiple Multiples"

            Day 11: "Cluster F@&$"

            Day 12: "Cluster F@$&er"

            Day 13: "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty"

            Day 14: "The New Guys Get Better!"

            Day 15: "Tall Grass And A Lot Of Brass"

            Day 16: "Getting Lucky And Swagger Bipod Review"

            Day 17: "The Coyotes Are Taunting Us"

            Day 18: "The New Guys Kick Our Butts!"

            Day 19: "Ahhh, We Suck Again"

            Day 20: "We Finally Don't Suck... Well Not Bad Anyway"

            Day 20: "When A Good Spot Goes Bad"

            Day 21: "When A Good Spot Goes Bad"

            Day 22: "Good Morning!"

            Day 23: "Lucky To Be Alive, Bad News And Big News"

            Day 24: "Quick Desert Trip"

            Day 25: "Merry Christmas Compilation"

            Day 26: "The Basics: Where and When To Hunt Coyotes and Hiding The Truck"

            Day 27: "Choosing Where To Set Up"

            Day 28: "Sounds, Call Placement & Tim's Shotgun!"

            Day 29: "Getting It Done"

            Day 30: "The Bobcat Whisperer Strikes Again!"

            Day 31: "Forgotten Footage"

            Day 32: "The Fox & The Coyote"

            Get Your Own Hidden Instinct Gear

   2019-12-05T14:09:00-07:00 2023-01-27T06:53:54-07:00 Enter Our 2019 Holiday Gear Giveaway Andrew Pooch Corbotras lochi Holiday Gear Giveaway

            4 Amazing Prize Packages - 4 Lucky Winners!

            With the help of Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef we’ve assembled a $4,000 giveaway loaded with gear for this holiday season. It’s easy to enter – just enter your info in the sign-up form and you’re set. The more you share the contest via Twitter, Instagram or email, the better your chance to win!

            Prize #1:
            Hoyt Helix Bow

            Prize #2:
            Vortex Viper 65 Angled Spotting Scope

            Prize #3:
            7-Piece XKG Package


            Prize #4:
            Camp Chef Stryker Isobutane MS100 & Rainer Camper Combo


            ENTER HERE 

   2019-08-08T13:03:00-06:00 2023-01-27T06:56:06-07:00 2019 New Gear Breakdown: Part 1 Andrew Pooch Justin Finch, Alex Millward, and Andrew Pooch took a selection of new gear for a spin on the Wasatch Front in Utah and Andrew shares his thoughts on the XKG Lightweight Gloves, XKG Gaiter, Mesa Pant, and XKG 150 Merino 1/4 Zip in our first gear breakdown of the new 2019 collection.




            Last week, Justin Finch, Alex Millward, and Andrew Pooch took a selection of new gear for a spin on the Wasatch Front in Utah. In our first gear breakdown, Andrew explains each piece and they story behind adding them to our offering for 2019. Highlighted in our video are the XKG Lightweight Gloves, XKG Leg Gaiter, Mesa Pant, and XKG 150 Merino 1/4 Zip.

            XKG Lightweight Gloves

            Ideal for early season and preseason scouting, the XKG Lightweight Glove is built with our popular Ridge Pant fabric making it water resistant and comfortable with 4-way stretch poly. If you’re using a bow, tripod, binos, spotter, or any other piece of equipment they are helpful just to keep your hands off the cold metal during early mornings. They are super lightweight and pack down very small for storing in your pack.


            XKG Foundation Merino 150 1/4 Zip

            Lightweight meets high-performance in our new XKG Foundation Merino 150 1/4 Zip. Our previous merino was 180 grams - we decided to make a lighter version at 150 grams (and a heavier option at 260).This way, you can still get the benefits of the natural wool fibers at an even lighter weight for the hot, early season hunts.


            Mesa Pant

            Introducing the first solid color pant in the hunter series line. The Mesa Pant has a looser, fuller fit than the XKG line and has stretch waist sizing. It’s made of a lightweight polyester fabric that is very durable. We created this pant to offer a larger spectrum for sizing, which runs S-2XL and translates from a 30 inch waist to 46 inch. We also offer regular and tall inseams. This is our first technical hunting pant in a solid option for under $100.

            SHOP MESA PANT

              XKG Leg Gaiter

              Constructed from our XKG Ridge Pant fabric and beefed up with 3-layer laminate construction to keep water and wind out, the new XKG Gaiter is another new XKG accessory we are very excited about this season. With the Ridge fabric comes features we all appreciate such as quiet fabric, stretch, and breathability.  These gaiters will be essential extra protection keeping water and dirt out of your boots. It’s available in desert, mountain and charcoal options.

              SHOP XKG LEG GAITER

              Stay tuned for our next gear breakdown. Have any questions about new gear, leave them in the comments!

     2019-07-25T13:17:00-06:00 2023-02-03T14:53:55-07:00 King's Camo Spring Gear Giveaway Winners! Andrew Pooch Our Spring Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received almost 10,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with our new 2019 Collection of camo and solids totaling over $2,000 in prizes.



              Our Spring Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received almost 10,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with our new 2019 Collection of camo and solids totaling over $2,000 in prizes. Below are the 6 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!

              Here are the winners from our spring giveaway:

              2019 Hunting Collection

              XKG Gaiters
              XKG Gloves
              XKG Elevation ¼ Zip
              XKG Merino Top
              XKG Merino Bottom
              Richardson Cap

              Chad Brown - Elk Ridge, UT
              Duane Gibson - Coalville, UT
              Jason Fellows - Idaho Falls, ID

              2019 Lifestyle Collection

              Triblend Short Sleeve Tee
              Performance Hoodie
              XKG Sonora Short
              King’s Snapback Cap

              Steve Cloward - Springville, UT
              Richard Robinson - Kissimmee, FL
              John Cressy - Pembroke Pines, FL 

     2019-04-08T11:39:00-06:00 2019-04-08T16:05:42-06:00 King's Vlog #13: XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip Andrew Pooch King's Vlog #13: XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip- In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip - which is a lightweight layer 2 top featuring mesh material this is highly breathable and includes Polygiene odor control technology. Available in 3 camo patterns and 3 new solid colors.



              King's Vlog #13: XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip- In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our XKG Elevation 1/4 Zip - which is a lightweight layer 2 top featuring mesh material this is highly breathable and includes Polygiene odor control technology. Available in 3 camo patterns and 3 new solid colors.

              With many turkey hunts and spring anglers hitting the outdoors in the coming weeks, you'll be confident wearing the XKG Elevations to protect you from the sun and conceal you from those clever gobblers.

              SHOP XKG ELEVATION 1/4 ZIPS


     2019-01-16T14:59:00-07:00 2023-01-24T14:17:50-07:00 King's Camo Holiday Gear Giveaway Winners! Andrew Pooch Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received over 16,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. With the help of Hoyt Archery, Vortex Optics & Camp Chef we assembled this amazing giveaway totaling over $3,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners.


              Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received over 16,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. With the help of Hoyt Archery, Vortex Optics & Camp Chef we assembled this amazing giveaway totaling over $3,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!
              Here are the winners from our holiday giveaway:

              6-Piece King’s Camo XKG System
              - XKG Ridge Pant
              Winner: Robert Sutti, Buellton, CA
              Hoyt Hyperforce Compound Bow
              Winner: Irving Salinas, Fillmore, UT

              Optics Package
              Winner: Dave Watson, Christmas Valley, OR
              Camp Chef Package
              Camp Chef Stryker 100 Isobutane Backpacker Stove
              Camp Chef Rainer Camper Combo
              Winner: Jorge Bocanegra, Lake Forest, CA
     2018-11-12T09:40:00-07:00 2023-02-03T14:21:52-07:00 King's Camo Fall Gear Giveaway Winners! Andrew Pooch Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! This fall season, we received over 12,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. With the help of Hoyt Archery, Vortex Optics & Camp Chef we assembled this amazing giveaway totaling $3,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!



              Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! This fall season, we received over 12,000 entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. With the help of Hoyt Archery, Vortex Optics & Camp Chef we assembled this amazing giveaway totaling $3,000 in prizes. Below are the 4 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!

              Here are the winners from our fall giveaway:

              6-Piece King’s Camo XKG System
              - XKG Preacher Pant
              - XKG Hightop 1/4 Zip
              - XKG Transition Vest
              - XKG Lone Peak Jacket
              - XKG Windstorm Rain Jacket
              - XKG Windstorm Rain Pant
              Winner: Jason Hindsley, La Porte, TX
              Hoyt Hyperforce Compound Bow
              Winner: Ray Townsend, Johnson, CO

              Vortex Razor Spotting Scope
              Winner: Jennifer Bickler, Whitehall, MT
              Camp Chef Package
              Camp Chef Stryker 100 Isobutane Backpacker Stove
              Camp Chef Explorer
              Camp Chef Grill Box
              Winner: David Brakefield, Ocala, FL
     2018-11-09T12:11:00-07:00 2019-04-08T11:40:11-06:00 King's Vlog #12: XKG Lone Peaks Andrew Pooch King's Vlog #12: XKG Lone Peaks - In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our XKG Lone Peaks - which are lightweight to not restrict your hiking, built to battle weather & wind, and available in three patterns to keep you concealed in any terrain.



              King's Vlog #12: XKG Lone Peaks - In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our XKG Lone Peaks - which are lightweight to not restrict your hiking, built to battle weather & wind, and available in three patterns to keep you concealed in any terrain.

              With late-season western hunts upon us and many whitetail seasons beginning in the coming weeks, you'll be confident wearing the XKG Lone Peaks in the field.

              SHOP XKG LONE PEAKS

     2018-11-02T12:00:00-06:00 2018-11-02T12:12:45-06:00 King's Vlog #11: Snow Shadow Andrew Pooch King's Vlog #11: Snow Shadow - In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our snow shadow selection by breaking down 3 of our snow shadow suits. Each one designed for different hunting conditions but all intended to keep you concealed during late season hunts.




              King's Vlog #11: Snow Shadow - In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our snow shadow selection by breaking down 3 of our snow shadow suits. Each one designed for different hunting conditions but all intended to keep you concealed during late season hunts.

              SHOP SNOW SHADOW


     2018-10-15T10:20:00-06:00 2023-01-24T14:24:09-07:00 King's Vlog #10: XKG Transitions Andrew Pooch King's Vlog #10: XKG Transitions - In our latest vlog, Direct Sales Manager Andrew Pooch shares our new 2018 model XKG Thermolite Transition Jacket and Vest.

              SHOP XKG Transitions
